Quadruple Glazing

quadruple glazing

Quadruple glazing is a type of insulated glazing that consists of four glass panes with a low emissivity coating and an insulating gas in the voids between them.
A subclass of multipane glazing systems is quadruple glazing.
Commercially available multipane glazing with up to six panes.

By reducing heating and cooling demand, multipane glazing enhances comfort, lowers recurring costs, and reduces glasshouse gas emissions.

At the moment, quadruple pane windows are the most advanced variety of windowpane.
Currently, there is little need for quadruple glazing in the residential building industry, but this may change in the future as technology and needs for energy efficiency advances.

Does Quadruple Glazing Offer Higher U Values?

Quadruple glazed windows have a higher U-value than both double glazed and triple glazed windows because they have an extra pane of glass.

Pros of Quadruple Glazing

Quadruple-pane windows are the most energy-efficient, even more so than insulated garage doors and house walls. They keep unwanted noise out of the house, producing the ideal distraction-free environment for you to concentrate at home. The sound deadening properties of multi-pneumatic windows like this are well recognised.

Cons of Quadruple Glazing

Quadruple-glazed windows are expensive to install because they require tougher, more durable window frames. The added weight to the glass and framing of quad-pane windows makes installation more difficult, sometimes requiring bigger crews. Quadruple glazed windows may be an over-investment for houses located in warmer climates.

About the Author
Picture of David Chahine

David Chahine

David has over 5 years experience providing glass repair and replacement and is also the owner of Primal Glass Replacement